Investing Today to Look After Tomorrow

Many soon to be parents decide that cord blood banking is the right choice for them.  It forearms their child with a future lifeline to treat medical conditions that hopefully will not, but realistically sometimes do occur.  That is their first step in the right direction.  Their consequent dilemma is that of sourcing and selecting a service provider in line with their budget and expectations. They might initially find themselves simply answering questions with even more questions.  Yet there are key elements that they should clarify before signing on anyone’s dotted line.

Primarily, expectant parents need assurance that, once their baby’s cord blood has been collected at birth, it is, and will remain, theirs and theirs alone.  After taking the plunge, peace of mind is essential that, should their baby, child or adult require stem cell treatments in the future, the stem cells will be readily available for medical use.  Under such circumstances, they would quite rightfully expect to recoup just return on their investment; not to experience a pot luck situation, where their blood bank might have donated their child’s cells to another patient.

Whist the medical science involved in the process is far from everyone’s bag, they also need to obtain at least a basic understanding of the additional benefits it might access on their behalves.  Having made the decision, they are probably aware that the amount of diseases currently treatable with stem cells is approaching 80.  They might also know that the chances of umbilical cord stem cell matching with biological siblings are one in four.  This enhances the importance and cost effectiveness of collection considerably.

They may not, however, be up to speed with the evolving research currently being undertaken by the medical experts.  If expected breakthroughs are made, the possibility is very real that stem cell treatments and transplants might be used in the future to additionally treat diabetes, heart attacks and strokes, but to name a few of the serious illnesses under scrutiny.

There are also practicalities that need addressing.  Expectant parents should, of course, be sure that they totally understand the pricing structure of their of their service provider, just as they would if they were buying a car or a house.  Many reputable cord blood banks charge one off payments for the initial processing and then have scales of charges for subsequent storage.  Costs for the retrieval of cord blood cells for use on the patient by medical professionals can vary and should be clarified upfront.

At Cryo-Cell Cord Blood Bank, its expert and friendly services have exceeded the expectations of parents since 1992.  Its vast experience in this sector equips its professional personnel to offer quantified answers to parents on all aspects of the medical science involved.  Neither is the many practical considerations overlooked or neglected.